The NEW AIAM 310 Negotiating Conflict - VOD
AIAM 310 examines how to successfully handle conflict by understanding the different types of conflict. Topics include working with difficult people, solution strategies for conflict, and using positive language.
- Housekeeping
- Unauthorized Entities
- Attendance
- Introduction
- Why should we solve conflict?
- Creates confusion
- Take sides
- Confidence level erodes
- Creates confusion
- Productivity suffers
- Increases tension
- Two Types of Conflict
- Substantive Conflict
- Disagreements
- Substance of issues
- Example
- Personalized Conflict
- Emotional
- Personalities collide
- Example
- Solution Strategies
- Identification
- Move the conflict to substantive issues
- Work to prevent personalization
Hour 2
- Dealing with Difficult People
- Not personal
- Ask the person what they want
- Listen
- Empty you mind
- Understand the context
- Don’t get distracted
- Use follow trails
- Use body language
- Ask questions
- Take notes
- Confirm your understanding
- Let the person finish talking
- Don’t judge too quickly
- Use Positive Language
- Negative language pattern
- Accusatory
- Conflict with the Boss
- Disagree, but don’t be disagreeable
- Don’t make it personal
- Be clear about what you disagree about
- Offer alternatives
- Take things private
- Seek to understand
- No one likes yes people
- Disagree and commit
- Effective Communication
- Appropriate skills and understanding
- Supportive climate or culture
- Effort
- Conflict Communication Exercise
- Different Styles of Communication
- Competitor
- Collaborator
- Accommodating
- Compromiser
- Avoider
- Conclusion
- Attendance
- CE Affidavit