The NEW AIAM 420 The Write Stuff - VOD
Writing is the way everyone communicates. Whether it’s texting, email or a formal letter, we have to make sure we are communicating correctly and in a way that represents the agency in a positive light. The webinar shows the attendees how to be AFFECTIVE when it comes to writing.
- Housekeeping
- Unauthorized Entities
- Attendance
- Introduction
- Social Networking
- Professional Communication
- Accurate
- Content
- Format
- Focused
- Action
- Non-Action
- Friendly
- Beginning
- Ending
- Error-Free
- Spell Check
- Proofread
- Concise Information
- Consistant
- To the point
- Topic
- Clearly stated
- Subject Line
- Intuitive
- Alleviate concerns
- Purpose of the letter/Communication
- Versatile
- Use and reuse
- Minor changes
- Excellance
- Professional
- Complete
- Punctuation
- Correct usage of punctuation
- Period
- Question mark
- Exclamation mark
- Apostrophe
- Comma
- Grammar
- Proper use of words/phrases
- A/An
- Affect/Effect
- Capital/Capital
- Council/Counsel
- Principal/Principle
- Your/You’re
- Email Etiquette
- Treat emails as business letters
- Professional greeting
- Spell-check, proofread
- Respond promptly
- Conclusion
- Attendance
- DFS Affidavit