
Holly B - Sumter, South Carolina

"Everyone needs to see this! "

Charlotte D - Tekamah, Nebraska

"Excellent course. Engaging speakers who gave superior information. "

Mary K - Lincoln, Nebraska

" "

Lourdes M - Longwood, Florida

"Excellent course definitely not your routine CE course."

Annie H - Bogata, Texas

"Awesome training. very needed! "

Delcine D - Rock Hill, South Carolina

"Both presenters did an excellent job and the material content was very relevant and timely. "

William F - Elkhorn, Nebraska

"Best class I have ever sat thru. "


"Awesome presenters and awesome information!"

Johnna K - Lancaster, Ohio

"Everyone needs to go through this training- one of the best courses i have attended. Thank You!"

Stichter M - Fort Myers, Florida

"Chad and Andy did a fantastic job of presenting the valuable information and material on this subject. "